Anywhere in the world, it takes a black person to tell us what racism really feels like.

On January 31st, 2016, India woke up to yet another news of a shocking mob attack against a Tanzanian student. This particular one was appalling enough to earn international press and force the nation into a period of soul-searching.

Since the incident, I've been travelling across the country to meet Africans and learn about their experiences. I make portraits as a personal response to give them recognition. “It's as if they don't accept us as human beings,” is what I keep hearing amidst all the heartrending stories. “Some of us are from royal families, but here we are treated like shit,” one person told me.

I feel passionately for this developing project because it carries such a relevant and urgent message. It is about Africans, but it is just as much about India and its chronic racism problem that hasn't seen effective means of redressal. A country that aspires to be a superpower is now at the cusp of coming to terms with good old fashioned racism. Through my project, I seek to put Africans as well as the racism they face in the consciousness of the Indian public.

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› Exhibition: The African Portraits, Institute of Contemporary Indian Art, MUMBAI
› Exhibition: The African Portraits, National Institute of Design, GANDHINAGAR
› Exhibition: The African Portraits, Tasveer Gallery, BANGALORE
› Interview: 'Too Black for India...', »»»
› Interview: 'Indian colleges want African dollars...', FirstPost
› Essay: 'The Invisible Fence' by Caroline Bertram
› Festival: Moving Asia slideshow, PhotoKTM, KATHMANDU
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Racism in India:
The African Portraits

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